Ian Wood

Aspiring Data Scientist

Student Mathematician

Michelin Trained Chef


Michelin-trained chef turned tech enthusiast, I blend precision and creativity.
As a third-year Mathematics and Physics student delving into Computer Science, I thrive on challenges and complex problem-solving.

I'm eager to apply my analytical skills in a dynamic tech environment. If you're seeking a dedicated and hard-working intern, I'd love to explore how my background and skills align with your team's goals.

Curriculum Vitae

Data Analysis

Michelin Starred France: An Analysis

How elite restaurants are woven into France's socioeconomic tapestry

Project Highlights

This project illustrates proficiency in data manipulation to provide actionable insights into the intersection of high-end gastronomy and economic patterns.

Raptors in US National Parks: A Study

Exploring bird of prey diversity in the national parks of the Southwest U.S.A

Project Highlights
  • Employed pattern matching and regex for species classification within a large, open-source categorical dataset.
  • Developed a robust visualisation pipeline to synthesize complex information across parks and states.
  • Formed insightful visualisations and case studies, including a focus on the Californian Condor, a critically endangered species.

This study demonstrates a sounds application of data analysis techniques and use of complex data structures.

Life Expectancy vs. GDP: An Insight

Exploring the correlation between a nation's wealth and the lifespan of its citizens

Project Highlights
  • Analysed time-series data from credible sources probing trends of life expectancy and GDP across nations.
  • Applied statistical analysis to track the evolution of life expectancy, visualizing trends and anomalies.

This initial foray into data analysis was instrumental in shaping my approach to visual storytelling, emphasizing the impact of well-crafted visualisations in unravelling narratives.

Mathematical Modelling

Lagrangian formulation of a Double Pendulum system

Numerical integration of equations of motion into an interactive application.

Project Highlights
  • Derived equations of motion symbolically using Lagrangian mechanics which are abstracted as a series of dependent functions.
  • A simple conditional logic structure controls which model is derived.
  • Optimisation strategies include pre-computation of positions and vectorised operations.

This application offers both an in-depth view into the physics of chaotic systems and an engaging visual representation of the double pendulum's unpredictable behavior.

Visual representation of a hyperbola

Dynamic Classification of Conic Sections

Advanced Object Orientated Programming using the Factory Method.

Class Highlights
  • Robust string parser translates plain-text equations into computable expressions.
  • Classifies conics automatically from their general equation, enabling smooth transitions between forms.
  • Records a detailed transformation history for traceability and educative purposes.
  • Intuitive visualisation tools in the class allows users to see and interact with conic sections graphically.

Accompanied by accessible, low-code tutorials that highlight linear algebra operations promoting interactive learning..

Polynomial Representation Visualization

A Polynomial Class

Develops an intuitive and flexible Object Orientated approach to polynomial mathematics.

Subclass Features
  • BiVarPoly: Supports bivariate polynomials, enabling partial differentiation, stationary point analysis, and advanced plotting options like surface and contour plots.
  • TriVarPoly: Extends functionality to tri-variate polynomials, suitable for even more complex algebraic forms and multiple partial derivatives.

Designed to address the complexity of polynomial representations in standard libraries. Detailed documentation supports new programmers in understanding the computational processes involved.

Technology Stack
